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Sometimes happens that's take a while than the GPS logger get the fix. Less frequently happens that I loost signal during run. In that cases I have incorrect distances/durations. What about to add the feature to be able correct start/end time and ad

Jiri Polcar , 17.03.2011, 06:41

Add feature to correct start/end time and add some points before/behind the logged track?

Sometimes it takes a while for the GPS logger to get the fix. Less frequently I lost signal during run. In those cases I have incorrect distances/durations. What about adding a feature to be able to correct start/end time and add some points before/behind the logged track?

tompaton, 17.03.2011, 23:46
Idea status: under consideration


tompaton, 17.03.2011, 23:56
I've had the same thing happen to me and am trying to decide how to implement a nice way to fix it.

Until then, you could try adding a Manual Entry (http://gpsloglabs.com/uploads/manual/) with the correct times and distance so your stats and goals are kept on track.

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