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have number of calories burned in the activity

It would be great to have the number of calories burned in a activity acording to it tags.

Javier Sanchez , 04.08.2014, 09:08
Idea status: under consideration


tompaton, 04.08.2014, 10:28
Have a look at the http://gpsloglabs.com/reports/custom section. In there you can create a report containing items tracking your energy expenditure, along with many other variables. The report will track kJ but you can convert that to calories.

Calculating actual energy expenditure is quite complicated and probably not likely to be very accurate anyway (see http://www.dcrainmaker.com/2010/11/how-calorie-measurement-works-on-garmin.html). You're likely to be better off simply going off total distance & time, average speed and average heart rate.

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